Call for Partnership

'small but effective' workshop on youth

 Youth Development Center (YDC) is looking for partnership with youth and likeminded organization working on youth issues. The program will be 'small but effective' workshop on youth among the stakeholders for rights of youth, access in resources and participation on every sphere of society. Major objective of this partnership is to encourage the multi-stakeholders coordination and cooperation for implementation of NYP.

 There will be altogether 12 workshop in YDC venue in different topics related to youth within 2013. These workshops will be based on the awareness and advocacy of implementation of National Youth Policy (NYP). The organization from community to national level working for livelihood, employment, entrepreneurship, education, skill participation, access, SRHR, HIV, Drug Addiction and special priority* group of youth are in high priority for partnership.

Responsibility of YDC

-          Venue & equipment (program hall, LCD, generator, etc) management

-          Tea & snacks

-          Printing and communication

-          Accommodation for limited participants and guest (if needed)

Responsibility of Partner Organization

-          Banner printing

-          Stationery (if needed)

Joint responsibilities are: concept paper, guest and participation coordination. Expenditure should be cover for own responsibility respectively.


 Contact here:

Youth Development Center

Itahari, Sunsari

Arun Khadka (9841333580, 025-581323)

*Special Priority group of youth mention in NYP are disable, third gender, HIV infected, sex worker, victim of violence, victim during foreign employment, bonded labor, conflict victim youth.

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